Have you given up the hope of ever-improving sexual stamina and performance? Wait! Don’t give up—there is an easy, natural way for people of all ages to achieve sexual wellness, including a more satisfying sex life.

Get to Know Oxytocin

Oxytocin is a hormone and a neurotransmitter naturally produced by the body. The most familiar role of oxytocin is in reproduction. During childbirth, it is released into the circulatory system acting as a hormone to mediate contractions of the uterus and milk production during breastfeeding. However, oxytocin also functions as a neurotransmitter. Certain behaviors, such as touch, initiate the release of oxytocin directly into the brain, modulating a diverse set of behaviors and interactions in animals and humans.

Its functions are numerous, but one of oxytocin’s most beneficial features is its influence on sexual behavior. Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced in the hypothalamus that is believed to positively influence sexual function and interactions between couples, improving sexual stamina and performance.

One clinical research study found that oxytocin:

  • Increased the intensity of orgasm
  • Improved contentment following sexual intercourse
  • Male subjects reported higher levels of sexual satiety after sexual intercourse with oxytocin administration
  • Female subject reported feeling more relaxed with oxytocin administration
  • Both sexes indicated better abilities to share sexual desires
  • Both sexes expressed and increased ability to empathize with their partners

Treatment with Oxytocin

Both men and women can boost their levels of oxytocin easily and effectively. Methods of administration include nasal spray, sublinguals, and in combination with other physical enhancers, such as generic Cialis or generic Viagra.

Experience the best sex of your life! Let the biostation™ help you replenish natural levels of oxytocin or develop a more comprehensive sexual wellness treatment plan. the biostation offers private, professional help for those interested in improving sexual stamina and performance.

Call the biostation™ today at 561-257-2511 or contact us online to schedule your private, personal consultation.

the biostation™ offers a comprehensive, individualized, scientific approach to age management, delivering total wellness for men and women looking to rejuvenate their bodies, revitalize their minds, and reclaim confidence. Located in Delray Beach, just north of Boca Raton, Florida, the biostation’s medical specialists provide a highly personalized experience using the latest advances in science and medicine including hormone replacement therapy, nutraceutical therapy, and nutrient IV therapy. Our medical director, Martin G. Bloom, M.D., customizes treatments to meet your personal needs and wellness goals, guiding you through the entire process to ensure success and satisfaction. To rediscover the health, fitness, and vitality of your youth, discover the biostation.