defy age with bioidentical testosterone therapy

Declining hormone levels, a phenomenon often synonymous with aging, is largely to blame for the unwelcome “effects of getting older” so many of us experience later in life. Weight gain, muscle loss, fatigue, insomnia, and erectile dysfunction are just a few of the classic symptoms of hormone imbalance in men. For women, sub-optimal hormone levels often lead to poor sleep, brain fog, low energy, low libido, and weight gain as early as in their 30’s. The good news is, it’s treatable. Hormone replacement therapy, including testosterone therapy, is a rapidly emerging field of medicine that is redefining aging for men and women. Getting older no longer means the end of a high-quality, energetic, and busy life.

Understanding Low Testosterone in Men ×

The effects of aging begin much earlier than most men realize. Testosterone levels start to drop at a slow and steady rate in a man’s late twenties and continue to decline well into his golden years. This decline becomes more evident in middle-age when some men experience what has become known as andropause, or “male menopause.” This condition of hormone imbalance in men is characterized by a number of distressing symptoms, such as fatigue, muscle loss, increased body fat, sleeplessness, night sweats, irritability, depression and various forms of sexual dysfunction, like low libido and erectile dysfunction.

Low testosterone affects more than a man’s quality of life, it can seriously diminish his health too. Men with Low-T, as the condition of low testosterone is commonly referred to, increases a man’s risk of osteoporosis, diabetes and diminishes his mortality rate as well. Research has shown that maintaining balanced testosterone levels throughout the lifespan improves quality of life and raises the life expectancy for men.

Increasing testosterone levels improves health

The below chart demonstrates that when testosterone reaches certain levels. the occurrence of specific diseases and symptoms can be reduced.

Other Male Hormone Deficiencies ×

Another hormone that significantly impacts a man’s health and quality of life is human growth hormone (HGH). HGH plays significant roles in bone strength and density, muscle growth and mass and even brain function. This hormone peaks late in adolescence and starts to decline in a man’s twenties. By the age of 60, most men have little to no production of this vital hormone.

Testosterone Therapy: It’s Not Just For Men! ×

Testosterone is a hormone generally associated with men, but it is an absolutely vital hormone for women as well, and optimal levels are key to maintaining a high quality of life. By restoring testosterone levels, and balancing other important hormones at the same time, our female patients are able to regain the youthful energy they once had and even alleviate the effects of menopause. You may be suffering from a hormone imbalance and not even know it, as symptoms often get explained away by other issues or aging, or not taken seriously.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women ×
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Weight gain and difficulty losing weight
  • Deceased interest in sex
  • Low libido
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood swings or depression
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty concentrating or lack of focus
  • Brain fog
  • Hair loss
Testosterone Therapy Treatment Methods ×

Your testosterone replacement therapy at the biostation will be customized not only based on the results of your testing, but also to suit your lifestyle and needs. We strive to make your therapy work with your daily routine and we are here to help make it even easier and more convenient every step of the way. Below are just some of the administration methods available in your hormone replacement therapy program:

  • Intramuscular injections (dosage is typically once a week)
  • Testosterone pellet insertion (typically administered every 4-6 months)
  • Topical testosterone gels that are applied daily to the wrist, inner arms or abdomen

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At the biostation, we focus on finding a comprehensive, individualized, and scientific approach to total wellness and healthy aging

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Your Guide To Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Feel better. look younger. live healthier.

Growing older doesn’t have to mean getting weaker. By restoring the proper balance between testosterone and your body’s other hormones, you can achieve greater vitality and an improved overall well-being at almost any age. Not just a sex hormone, testosterone impacts health throughout your entire body, including the heart and brain. But, everyone’s needs are different. Check out our most popular e-book of all time, which takes a deep dive into Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy to answer our most-asked questions about this life-changing treatment. Plus, learn about the proprietary and individualized approach we take at the biostation™ to ensure patient success, safety and satisfaction.

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