reclaim your sexual health

Childbirth and the natural aging process cause changes which may affect feminine health and wellness. A particularly strenuous vaginal childbirth, or multiple births, can cause stretching of the vagina. The effects of menopause can also cause physical and functional changes, such as excessive dryness. Both situations can rob women (and their partners) of their sense of well-being and happiness. Take back control of your sexual health and satisfaction with non-invasive and effective ThermiVa.

non-surgical. no downtime. instant results.

the biostation is among the first medical practices specialized and trained to offer ThermiVa thermal energy vaginal rejuvenation, the groundbreaking non-surgical therapy that revitalizes vaginal appearance and function. ThermiVa safely, effectively and painlessly—without any anesthesia or downtime—can help you to achieve a physical and aesthetic vaginal transformation in just three treatments, with many patients experiencing a significant change immediately after their first procedure. Patients describe the treatment as comfortable and feeling similar to a hot stone massage. There is no downtime and you can resume all your daily activities immediately after your appointment.

the importance of collagen

ThermiVa powered by Thermi technology uses powerful yet gentle radio frequency to heat internal and external vaginal tissue to stimulate and rebuild your body’s own collagen, naturally. Patients experience no discomfort or downtime and can resume all activities immediately—even sex. A recent study documented multiple benefits for patients who complained about vaginal laxity and other issues associated with vulvovaginal youthfulness, feminine sexuality and overall well-being.

thermiva benefits may include:

  • No downtime – you can resume all activities the same day including sex
  • Significant enhancement of vaginal appearance, texture and color
  • Improvement in stress urinary incontinence
  • Restored vaginal moisture production
  • Improved orgasmic function and satisfaction during intercourse
  • Significant improvement in vaginal tightness, both external and internal

what to expect

ThermiVa thermal vaginal rejuvenation is a non-surgical therapy that revitalizes vaginal appearance and function. Thermi safely, effectively and painlessly (without any anesthesia or downtime) can help you achieve physical and aesthetic vaginal transformation in just 3 treatments. Each treatment takes 30-45 minutes. Many patients have noted a significant change immediately after their first treatment. If you are suffering from stress incontinence, a strenuous childbirth or from the natural aging process, take control of your sexual health and satisfaction with thermal vaginal rejuvenation. To achieve full results, be sure to keep any follow-up appointments in your treatment series.


  1. Thermi treatments use ThermiRF equipment and require ongoing feedback by a patient during a procedure is required. If you have nerve insensitivity to heat anywhere in the treatment area, you should not be treated with ThermiRF System.


  1. Patients can return to normal activities immediately after bRenewed Female Rejuvenation. Including sexual activity, unless otherwise directed by your provider.
  2. If treated externally, the skin may have mild redness, appear swollen and warm to the touch for approximately one-hour post-treatment.
  3. A possibility of mild cramping, which should resolve in 24 hours.
  4. Light spotting may occur immediately post-treatment.
  5. No restrictions on showering, bathing, swimming or hot tubs; if spotting or mild bleeding has subsided.

experience our revolutionary vaginal rejuvenation solution powered by thermi

the biostation has partnered with Thermi to bring our patients the most proven, powerful and effective radiofrequency therapy on the market. ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation treatment can be fully customized to suit your individual needs. Schedule a consultation today, and our aesthetics specialist will meet with you to discuss your symptoms and treatment goals, and create a personalized protocol designed to deliver results.

take our self assessment quiz

How would you rate your vaginal tightness? ×
  1. Very loose
  2. Moderately loose
  3. Moderately tight
  4. Very tight
Do you experience discomfort during intercourse due to dryness? ×
  1. Always
  2. Often
  3. Sometimes
  4. Rarely or never
How would you rate your level of sexual desire? ×
  1. Very low
  2. Low
  3. Moderate
  4. Very high
Do you frequently experience urinary leaking or urgency? ×
  1. Usually
  2. Sometimes
  3. Rarely
  4. Never
Has your relationship with your partner been adversely affected due to childbirth or the natural aging process? ×
  1. Definitely
  2. Somewhat
  3. Minimally
  4. Not at all
How would you rate your sexual satisfaction during intercourse? ×
  1. Poor
  2. Fair
  3. Good
  4. Excellent
How confident are you about becoming aroused during sexual activity? ×
  1. No confidence
  2. Very low confidence
  3. Moderate confidence
  4. Very confident

If you scored a “1” or “2” on any of the questions above, contact us to schedule your confidential consultation with one of our experienced aesthetics experts and learn more about non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation.

Take the first step and start the conversation

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about the biostation

the biostation team | who we are

who we are

At the biostation, we focus on finding a comprehensive, individualized, and scientific approach to total wellness and healthy aging

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Guide To Female Hormones And Your Health | the biostation

Your Guide To Female Hormones And Your Health

Finding balance through hormone testing

The truth is, yes, conditions of hormone imbalance, like menopause, are an inevitable part of aging, but no one has to live with the ongoing battle against uncomfortable symptoms that diminish health or quality of life. By regaining the proper balance between the body’s hormones, you can maintain greater vitality and well-being at almost any age. Check out our latest e-book for more on hormone Replacement Therapy, plus learn about the proprietary approach we take at the biostation™ to ensure your wellness goals are met.

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