Kybella offers a non-invasive solution to that pesky chin fat that you may be trying to get rid of that just won't go away. If you prefer not to have surgery but are looking for an answer, this FDA-approved treatment can permanently take care of excess fat and give you a better chin line in only 15 minutes. This fast, safe procedure will provide you with the long-lasting results that you want. You can say goodbye to your double chin at the biostation today with Kybella.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is designed to get rid of submental fat, or fat below the chin. It's the only FDA-approved injectable treatment available to help get rid of the double chin that has you worried. Fullness under the jawline can result from weight gain and remain after weight loss due to aging and even genetics. Kybella offers a safe solution to get rid of this unwanted fat. Prior to its launch, the only option to get rid of submental fat was liposuction. This procedure is comfortable, safe, and only takes about 20 minutes to get you the jawline of your dreams.

Benefits of Kybella

Kybella is a safe, fast, non-surgical procedure to get rid of stubborn submental fat, also known as a double chin. Excess fat below the chin can cause you to appear older than you are and even appear heavier than you are. With Kybella treatment, you'll get a contoured, defined profile and sculpted jawline along with an overall thinner facial appearance. Whether you've noticed excess submental fat from genetics, aging, or weight gain, Kybella will provide you with the results you want.

How does Kybella work?

Kybella is a deoxycholic acid-based formula. This naturally occurring molecule is found in the body and helps absorb and break down dietary fat. Kybella is injected under the chin and works by destroying fat cells while leaving other cells unaffected. Your body will clear the excess fat through natural processes, leaving you with a permanently well-sculpted jawline and slimmer appearance.

What to expect during a Kybella treatment

An aesthetics expert from the biostation will assess your chin profile and discuss your goals before your procedure. They will design a customized plan for you and the amount of submental fullness that you have. During your Kybella treatment(s), you can expect:

  • The number of treatments you'll need depends on your desired results and the amount of submental fat you have.
  • Each treatment session consists of several small injections. These are given underneath your chin.
  • If necessary, you'll receive a topical lidocaine solution to help make the treatment more comfortable.
  • Swelling and tenderness may occur for one to two days after your treatment. This will most likely be the most noticeable after your first treatment injection session.
  • Most of our clients need more than one Kybella session to get the results they want. These sessions are spaced four weeks apart, and you may receive up to six treatments. Most clients at the biostation are pleased with the results after two to four treatment sessions.
  • Results from Kybella are permanent, as the fat cells under your chin will be destroyed. Once you see the results you want, there is no need for further treatment. Results are not immediate. That's why you have a period you must wait between treatments.
  • Each session will take approximately 45-60 minutes.

What to do pre-treatment

There is not much to do before a Kybella treatment; however, the following are recommended for a safe, successful procedure:

  • You should tell your provider at the biostation if you take any blood thinners or aspirin or if you have ever had any reactions to or issues with Lidocaine.
  • Stop taking aspirin or blood thinners, including alcohol, at least 24 hours before treatment. This helps decrease the severity of bruising and gives your skin time to heal.
  • We also advise you to wait a day or two before resuming alcohol use.
  • There is typically some swelling after a Kybella treatment, so we recommend scheduling at least two weeks before any significant social or professional commitments.

Post-treatment care

There are certain things that we recommend to keep you comfortable and pain-free after your Kybella session. These include:

  • Avoid heavy activity and exercise the day of your Kybella treatment. You may resume normal activity 48-72 hours after your session.
  • You can use ice packs during the first 12 hours following your session to help with pain and swelling. You should ice for 15 minutes every hour.
  • Bruising and swelling are normal after Kybella treatment. If this becomes noticeable, you may apply topical Arnica cream to discolored areas, as well as taking oral Arnica.
  • You may also take 200 mg of ibuprofen three times daily for pain and swelling. Continue as necessary for up to four days post-treatment.
  • We advise that you do NOT massage the injection site.
  • If you notice any significant pain or swelling, or any bleeding from the site, fever, skin discoloration other than minor bruising, or difficulty smiling or swallowing, contact the biostation immediately.

About the biostation

At the biostation, our team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing each of our patients with the wellness, beauty, and anti-aging solutions they desire. We offer a personalized approach, starting with an in-depth personal consultation and advanced diagnostics testing. Our providers will listen closely to your concerns and symptoms in order to develop a plan that we believe will work best for you.

Our goal at the biostation is to permanently alleviate your symptoms and reverse the effects of aging to give you back the confidence you once had. With our state-of-the-art medical facility and world-class medical team, you can be confident that your safety, satisfaction, treatment success, and care are our top priorities.

Visit the biostation today

If you're interested in Kybella, or any of our other anti-aging and wellness options, visit the biostation today. Our physicians offer 100 years of combined experience and provide you with the individualized treatment plan you deserve. You can contact us online or by phone today at 561-462-4894 to schedule your consultation at a location near you.