How Does This Revolutionary Treatment Work?
PRP is actually blood plasma containing a concentrated amount of platelets and other vital growth factors. The platelets are the most important part of this procedure, these are what contain growth factors and bioactive and signaling proteins. The bioactive, or healing proteins, are what begin to repair and regenerate tissue. This is especially effective in stimulating healing, as well as developing new blood vessels and acting as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. The signaling proteins actually call stem cells to the desired area to assist in the regeneration of your tissues.
For most patients, PRP offers an effective, alternative treatment for those who do not wish to have surgery. An initial evaluation with our medical practitioner will determine if PRP is a viable treatment option for you.
Patients can expect to see significant improvements in symptoms, elimination of the need for more traditional treatments such as medications, cortisone injections, or surgery, and a dramatic return of function.