here's what you need to know about thermiva
Vaginal rejuvenation is fast growing area in the field of aesthetic surgery. As women give birth or as they age, the vaginal muscles can suffer from excess relaxation. This is when it loses all tightness and becomes loose.
ThermiVa utilizes radiofrequency energy that stimulates collagen production to promote healing of the tissues and restore vaginal elasticity. It also tightens the vaginal canal and effectively brings back the youthful glow of the labia. When performing ThermiVa, the provider uses a thermistor or an S-shaped handheld device.
The procedure requires no downtime. It means patients can go back to their daily routines after the procedure without having to worry about the discomforts. Many patients reported that they have already felt the results after the first session. ThermiVa is FDA-approved to be used as an external vaginal rejuvenation procedure.