the effects of low testosterone in men

From the time a man enters his late twenties, testosterone levels begin a steady decline reaching an evident depletion around mid-life. This depletion, referred to as andropause, is often characterized by a number of uncomfortable and frustrating symptoms, including irritability, weight gain, hair loss and diminished sexual desire.

here are the ways low-t can affect the body

Erectile Dysfunction ×

Low-T alone rarely causes ED, but reduced testosterone levels seriously increase the risk of diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and endothelial dysfunction - all of which are primary causes of ED.

Disinterest in Sex ×

Testosterone is a sex hormone that plays an important role in regulating libido function and sexual health. Low testosterone levels also cause various symptoms, including fatigue and disrupted sleep as well as a decreased sex drive.

Weight Gain ×

Reduced testosterone levels are commonly associated with increased body fat, especially in the abdominal area and weight loss is one common benefit of testosterone replacement therapy.

Exhaustion ×

Because testosterone plays a vital role in immune health, researches believe low testosterone levels force the body to reallocate energy resources to support the immune system, resulting in persistent fatigue.

Muscle Atrophy ×

Numerous clinical studies have linked low testosterone levels to muscle loss and often weakness. Testosterone therapy is often prescribed for patients with neurological or autoimmune disorders that cause muscle loss.

Depression ×

Testosterone replacement therapy has been shown in numerous studies to relieve symptoms of depression, particulary in men who don't respond to other antidepressant medication. Low testosterone levels have also been shown to increase the risk of clinical depression by 400%.

Cognitive Impairment ×

Studies have found that elderly men with higher levels of testosterone perform better on cognitive test than their peers with Low T. Healthy testosterone levels have also been shown to preserve brain tissue.

Poor Sleep ×

Testosterone plays a role in sleep cycles, and Low T has been linked to poor sleep quality, reduced sleep duration, circadian rhythm disruption, and sleep-disordered breathing.

Reduced Bone Mineral Density ×

Hypogonadism (Low T) is one of the primary causes of osteoporosis in men under the age of 70. Low T is associated with both bone loss and impaired bone formation.

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