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How do we Treat [ Symptom ]?

Hormone Therapy for Men

boost your energy and restore your body to its peak performance

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc maximus, nulla ut commodo sagittis, sapien dui mattis dui, non pulvinar lorem felis nec erat. Aliquam egestas, velit at condimentum placerat, sem sapien laoreet mauris, dictum porttitor lacus est nec enim.

Advanced cholesterol and cardiovascular health

Traditional testing typically only observes three markers of cholesterol and cardiac health: HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. the biostation panel goes far beyond these factors to show important markers of early risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Advanced sex hormones

Sub-optimal hormone levels in men and women can lead to advanced signs of aging and the development of many age-related diseases. Additionally, muscle growth, fat storage, mood, and sexual desire are all closely linked to adequate levels of such hormones as DHEA, free and bound testosterone, estradiol, and sex hormone-binding globulin.

Advanced thyroid and blood sugar

Your thyroid, often minimized, is a major player in the function of your metabolism and has an impact on your weight, energy levels, cognitive function and well-being. Most doctors only test for certain thyroid hormones. Our panel includes complete hormone + antibody tests.

Metabolic and growth hormones

Chronic stress or impaired metabolic function can literally destroy basic functioning, leading to low energy, weight gain, muscle loss, and increased fat stores. Testing cortisol, IGF-1, and insulin levels gives you the information to help you gain control of your metabolism.

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