benefits of testosterone therapy

  • More energy
    Who doesn’t want more energy? Testosterone plays a role in sustaining energy levels. It helps build and maintain muscle mass, fueling the body to perform longer and stronger throughout the day. Research has even shown that adequate testosterone levels can contribute to improved recovery between workouts.of uncomfortable symptoms, not the least of which include irritability, hair loss and diminished sexual desire.
  • Increased libido
    Testosterone is not just the “manly hormone.” It is also the “hormone of desire.” When testosterone levels decline, so does a man’s libido. A carefully administered and comprehensive testosterone treatment plan can revive sexual desire in men. In addition to increased sexual desire, many men will also reap benefits such as better orgasms and increased stamina.
  • Improved mood
    Low levels of testosterone are commonly linked to the mood swings, depression and irritability that many men experience around mid-life. Restoring natural levels of testosterone with testosterone therapy gives men back there edge and stabilizes mood swings.
  • Protected cardiovascular system
    Adequate levels of testosterone have been linked to improved cardiovascular health and heart function. Men depend on testosterone to support a strong heart and well-functioning blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Other studies have also connected adequate testosterone levels to healthy blood cholesterol levels. Testosterone therapy or testosterone treatment can help minimize the plaque build-up associated with high cholesterol that increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Your Guide To Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Feel better. look younger. live healthier.

Growing older doesn’t have to mean getting weaker. By restoring the proper balance between testosterone and your body’s other hormones, you can achieve greater vitality and an improved overall well-being at almost any age. Not just a sex hormone, testosterone impacts health throughout your entire body, including the heart and brain. But, everyone’s needs are different. Check out our most popular e-book of all time, which takes a deep dive into Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy to answer our most-asked questions about this life-changing treatment. Plus, learn about the proprietary and individualized approach we take at the biostation™ to ensure patient success, safety and satisfaction.

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At the biostation, we focus on finding a comprehensive, individualized, and scientific approach to total wellness and healthy aging

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