The cost of health insurance has soared in recent years. While this system is designed to protect you against the risk of high medical costs and is crucial in the event of an emergency, a healthy lifestyle is truly your best health insurance.

Imagine a scenario where the only reason you need health insurance is for the occasional emergency? This can be possible when you follow these tips.

Strive to maintain a healthy weight

A person with a healthy weight incurs an average of $2,741 less in medical costs yearly than an obese person. There are several reasons for this, including the costs of surgeries, and prescription medications for lifestyle diseases.

Obesity often leads to metabolic syndrome which can develop into type 2 diabetes. If you managed your weight throughout life, you are less likely to develop lifestyle diseases. Consuming healthier food is important for weight maintenance, but improving your diet is also important for disease prevention.

According to the American Cancer Society, poor diet, obesity and being inactive are the root cause of approximately one-third of cancers.

Exercise to boost and preserve your health

People who maintain a regular fitness regime tend to be healthier. A 17-year study conducted with 2,560 men who were actively participating in a daily 30-minute exercise program reported the men to have halved their cancer mortality rate.

Exercise also assists with the reduction of belly fat, which can help eradicate metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. It increases blood flow throughout the entire body which is good for your circulation and cardiovascular health. It can also reduce inflammation, and helps boost your immune system. It helps detoxify your body, which can help prevent disease.

Studies have also reported a reduction in harmful stress levels with exercise. This is particularly helpful in the prevention of stress-related lifestyle conditions such as strokes. Women benefit from regular exercise, as working out can help regulate hormones such as estrogen. Studies also reveal that women who exercise regularly are 20-40% less likely to develop endometrial cancer.

Try incorporating cardiovascular workouts like jogging, biking or dancing to boost your circulation. Most people live exceptionally busy lives, so if you cannot set aside 30 minutes a day, remember that any daily physical activity counts towards the total. If you’re short on time, try and work some physical activity into your day. If you use public transport, try getting off the bus a stop sooner and walk the rest of the way. Ditch the elevator and use the stairs, wash your car, mow the lawn, or mop or vaccum your floors. At lunchtime, try taking a walk around the block to clear your head - this will also help boost your energy for the rest of the day.

Quit smoking

Smoking increases the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, hypertension and stroke. Pregnant and lactating mothers are also strongly advised to quit smoking. If you do smoke, you run the risk of needing health insurance, as you will be more prone to developing an illness.

Get enough sleep

Adults need eight hours of sleep every night to function effectively. Sleep deprivation can put you at risk of hypertension, stroke, diabetes and heart disease. It can also lead to grogginess and people who feel this way are more prone to accidents.By getting enough sleep, you are less likely to develop lifestyle diseases.

If you do suffer from insomnia, there are steps you can take to help you get more sleep. If you can, disconnect from electronic devices like TV’s, laptops, and mobile phones 15-30 minutes before bedtime. Instead, try reading a book, taking a leisurely stroll around the block or winding down with a warm bath.

Make sure you have a comfortable mattress, or try adding a memory foam mattress pad, as many people wake up during the night because they are uncomfortable. Sleeping on a good mattress will also help prevent back problems.

Take that well deserved break

Vacations can do wonders for your sense of overall well-being. They can help you relax and lower your stress levels. You need not book yourself into the most expensive resort for weeks on end, as even a tranquil weekend getaway can make a huge difference. If you can’t get away for a weekend, simply book a few hours at a spa or meditation center, or take an afternoon drive in the countryside.

Contact the biostation for further information on healthy lifestyles and fitness regimens. We can provide you with individualized expert advice on how to achieve optimal wellness throughout life.